[page 73] Thus a bridge that has stood for decades but has developed innocuouscracks in certain spots may serve as the basis for an improved design of a bridgeof approximately the same dimensions and traffic requirements. Or an existingdesign that has suffered no apparent distress after years or decades of servicemay lead the engineer to look for ways to make it lighter and thus less expensiveto build, for the trouble-free prototype appears to be over-designed.
[page 182] But the technocrats do not accept his theoretical calculations asrelevant to the practical matter of real airplanes, even though fatigue problemsaccompanied the introduction of other new forms of transportation technology, suchas the railroads. Thus Honey sets out to collect evidence from a Reindeer that hadcrashed in Canada after about the same number of flying hours as predicted by hiscalculations. That crash was attributed to simple pilot error, and hence anexhaustive investigation of the wreckage was not considered necessary to provideany essential evidence to the contrary. So Honey flies to Canada himself to collectthe evidence of a fatigue failure that he is sure is lying there in the snow. While enroute, Honey discovers that the plane he is traveling on is a Reindeer with aboutfourteen hundred hours of flying time, and thus he fears that its own tail plane willfall off at any moment due to metal fatigue. After his frustrated attempts toconvince the crew to keep the plane on the ground at Gander, a refueling stop, untilit can be properly inspected for dangerously large fatigue cracks, Honey keeps theReindeer from taking off by sabotaging the landing gear. His uncommonly violentact convinces his superior to aid Honey in continuing his quest. When the wreckagein Canada is finally reached, the telltale signs of fatigue vindicate TheodoreHoney, and a dangerous fatigue crack is also found in the grounded Reindeer atGander.
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